About Us
Kollel Beth HaTalmud Yehudah Fishman Institute was founded in 1981, and was the first overseas community Kollel established by the Lakewood Yeshiva under the direction of the legendary Torah leaders, Rabbi Shneur Kotler and Rabbi Nosson Wachtfogel zt’l.
The Kollel consists of a core group of

The Kollel is also an educational resource for the Australian community for Jews of all backgrounds, ages, and levels of observance. Through innovative programmes and classes, our goal is to help Jews connect to their rich spiritual heritage by providing a positive Torah learning experience.
Please consider joining one of our programs. We are confident that you will find it spiritually uplifting, as well as an enjoyable experience.
Seen here are the founding members of the Kollel on the arrival in Australia, circa 1980
The Rosh Kollel Rabbi B Z Wurzburger giving Shiur in the old Beis HaMedrash some 30 years ago
scholars who are engaged in full-time study at an advanced level, who, upon graduation, assume leadership positions in the Jewish community throughout Australia as well as abroad.
The Beis Hamedrash in full swing now. (August 2016)
The newly built Beis HaMedrash extension was completed in the late '80s

Governing Body
The governing body comprises:
(a) The directors;
These are currently;
Rabbi Bernard Wurzburger
Dr Jeremy Goldin
Mr Mattis Gindoff
Mr Sam Kinderman
Mr Jake Kinderman
(b) The committee of management.
These are currently;
Rabbi Bernard Wurzburger
Dr Jeremy Goldin
Mr Mattis Gindoff
Mr Sam Kinderman
Mr Jake Kinderman
Mr Leonard Warren
Mr Avrohom Yeshaya Weinstock
The senior executive comprises: Rabbi Bernard Wurzburger (as CEO).
Contact Us
Phone: (Office) (+61 3) 9527 6156
Phone: (Beis Medrash) (+ 61 3) 9527 5089
Fax: (+61 3) 9527 8034