Bachelor Degree
Combined Degree Bachelor of Talmud/Bachelor of Rabbinic Thought
Kollel Beth HaTalmud Yehuda Fishman Institute currently offers a six-year degree course leading to the award of a Combined Degree of Bachelor of Talmud and Bachelor of Rabbinic Thought.
Details of the Combined Degree course are available in the Handbook Course and Subject Guide for the Combined Degree.
Details of our Admissions policies can found here (Whole of Institution Admission Information Set) and here (Program / Course Admission information Set)
For further information or for any queries, please email us at admin@kollel.edu.au
Some of the subjects of this Combined Degree may be able to be taken by students at other tertiary institutions and be credited towards the requirements of those institutions. Details are available on request.
In addition, the Kollel offers non-Award courses for students who wish to further their education in Jewish Law and Talmud.
These courses - typically taken by students who have completed their degree in Talmudic and Rabbinic Thought - are run in close concert with the Bachelor's program.

The Course has been accredited by the Australian Government's Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA), and in September 2017 we were granted re-accreditation for 7 years - the longest period before re-accreditation that TEQSA is authorised to grant.